Intern Development Portal

Hello Practicum Students!

Welcome to our Learning Management System (LMS). The LMS is designed to support your growth as a therapist. It’s filled with amazing content that will help you from novice to advanced levels. You’re encouraged to explore the material with an open mind and come back to re-watch videos as you develop.  Use this content as a starting point for building your clinical acumen and increasing the breadth and scope of your expertise.  Keep researching! Being a good therapist is easy, becoming a great therapist requires ongoing learning & development, strong clinical skills and the ability to engage in reflexivity.  Are you ready to be great?!

Please follow the schedule below as it aligns with your work on the intake team and when you will begin seeing clients. It’s important that you don’t fall behind, though you’re welcome to work ahead.

Module Completion Schedule
Week 1: Complete modules 1-15
By the end of week 2: Complete module 16 and begin module 17
By the end of week 3: Complete module 17 and begin the remaining modules
By the end of week 4: Complete modules 18, 19, 21 and 22

Week 5 onward: Work through resources and videos in Module 20

✅Pro Tip: Review previous modules as needed
Now go forth and do great things!

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Enrolled: 20 students
Lectures: 22
Level: Beginner
Intern Development Portal